Sunday, November 1, 2020

We're featured on the Halloween Art & Travel Podcast!

Kristen J. Stafford's fabulous podcast is all about Halloween

If you collect art of this sort, if you like to travel and visit Halloween-inspired places and events, if you even remotely like this wondrous holiday, you will LOVE Kristen's thought-provoking and very fun podcast!

I was fortunate to have met this lovely lady at the 2019 Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween show in Marshall, Michigan. I'd heard a few episodes of Kristen's fascinating show in the past and found it very insightful into the lives and livelihoods of the many Halloween artists across the country. I am completely floored, honored and thrilled, to have been featured in it on October 30, 2020. 

Grab a cup of hot cider or pumpkin spice latte, settle into your comfy chair, and click the link below to have a listen.